Thursday, May 20, 2010

First Blog

For the past year, I've been working as an high school art teacher and it has been a very big and important change in my life. I found something that I enjoy doing but most importantly it got me back to studying "Fine Art". I really needed this break from media art in order to get back to my roots and help me find myself. Since I've been teaching, it has given the me the opportunity to get back to basics and really take a hard look at where I was in my career and where I am as an artist. Teaching my students how to go about creating artwork and how line, shape, value, color and texture are used when putting it all together got me taking a good hard look at myself. Since then, the artwork I've been producing has picked up a lot not only in form but in overall design.

Most of my artwork has been drawn on the wacom and it has allowed me to loosen up, it took me a while to really get a hang of the tablet. When designing for animation; a book called "Modern Animation" has really inspired me as well as "Designing Disney" by John Hench. The latter really got me looking at color in ways I hadn't, while the other introduced me to some new styles in designing characters and their influences.

Here are some of my more recent designs, I feel like I'm finally pointed in the direction I need to be headed and that I will finally get my foot in the door soon. - RFH

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